Saturday, January 03, 2009
« : 27 آذر 1387,ساعت 02:23:59 »
انجمن نئونازی های ایران آغاز به کار نموده و در حال عضوگیری است، از تمام ایرانیان ملی گرا ، بیگانه ستیزان، میهن پرستان ، نژادگرایان.... خواهانیم که در انجمن عضو شده و ما را در رسیدن به هدفمان یاری کنند، تازیان و یهودیان دو دشمن دیرینه و نژادی ایرانیان بوده و هستند، امید است با گردهمایی در انجمن نئونازی های ایران بتوانیم با توطئه های شوم این دو گروه مقابله کنیم.
انجمن نئونازی های ایران می کوشد شکوه دیرین آریاییان را بر هم میهنان ایرانی و آریایی بنمایاند و دلیل تمایز نژاد آریایی را از سایر تیره های زرد ، سیاه و سامی بیان کند. این انجمن خواستار بهنژادی ایرانیان و عدم اختلاط با تیره های سامی ، زرد و سیاه است. همینطور مبارزه با تبلیغات گسترده ی یهودیان و چپ گرایان که مدام بر آنند حس میهن پرستی و نژادگرایی را در ملت هایی که پیشینه ی تاریخی و نژادی دارند بکشند.
یکی دیگر از تبلیغات دروغین یهودیان داستان پردازی پیرامون جنگ جهانی دوم است که در آن با زبردستی و حیله گری خاص خود، ملت آریایی آلمان را جنایت کار و دیگران را چون فرشتگانی معصوم نشان داده اند که برای نجات بشریت از راسیسم و فاشیسم گام برداشته اند، این ها برای اثبات نظریات پوچ و مضحک خود، دست به قلم برده و چنان چهره ای از نازیسم و نژادگرایی ساختند که امروزه در کشورهای اروپایی که دم از آزادی بیان می زنند، نماد ها و آرمهای حزب نازی غیر مجاز می باشد و هر کس نامی از نژادگرایی برد، طوری او را می نگرند که گویی یک جنایت کار بیرحم است.
انجمن نئونازی های ایران یک انجمن 100% میهنی و مستقل می باشد و به هیچ گروه و مسلکی وابسته نیست. اگر برخی سخنانی مشترک با اهداف ما زده اند، دلیل ارتباط ما و آنها نیست و چه بسا از مخالفان آنها نیز باشیم.
گروه های عربی فلسطین، یهود ستیز هستند، ما نیز چنین هستیم، ولی نه تنها ارتباطی میان ما و آنها نیست، بلکه به دلیل خون ناپاک عربی-سامی شان از دشمنان نژادی ما هستند و نابودی آنها را خواهانیم.
مورد دیگر مسئله ی دروغین هولوکاست است که به بتی برای مبارزه با نژاد گرایی بدل شده و هرجا نامی از نژادگرایی برده شود، جهود ها و عوامل تازیشان آن بحث را پیش می کشند. در انجمن نئونازی تلاش بر اینست با اسناد و مدارک معتبر با این نظریه ی دروغین مبارزه شود و جعلیات یهودیان آشکار شود.
یکی دیگر از کارهای انجمن نئونازی های ایران نشان دادن جنایات سهمگین ترکان و تازیان می باشد و نشان خواهیم داد این دو گروه در طول تاریخ چه فجایعی به بار آوردند. دلیران پارس در خوزستان و دلیران ماد در آذربایجان (آذری ها) با تازیان و ترکان وطنی در ستیزند. ما حمایت خود را از تمام گروه های نژادگرا و بیگانه ستیز ایرانی اعلام می کنیم و خواهان این هستیم برای نیرومند شدن جنبش نژادگرایی به ما بپیوندند تا با یاری یکدیگر با امواج زرد ، سیاه و سامی بجنگیم و با مدد گرفتن از روح جنگاوری آریایی و حس پهلوانی، این امواج را پس برانیم.
پاینده ایران... بر افراشته باد کاویان... نابود باد تازیان...
نکته ی 1- اعراب ، یهودیان و پانترکان حق عضویت در انجمن را ندارند.
نکته ی 2-کوچکترین توهین به تاریخ پیش از اسلام ایران زمین و پیشوا آدولف هیتلر، اخراج فرد را در پی خواهد داشت.
نکته ی 3- تمام اعضا موظف خواهند بود در انجمن از واژه ی "درود" بهره جویند و استفاده از واژه ی سلام ممنوع می باشد.
نکته ی 4- هرگونه بحث مذهبی چه موافق و چه مخالف در انجمن ممنوع می باشد و با افراد خاطی برخورد خواهد شد.
نکته ی 5- از تمام اعضا خواهانیم برای تفریح و وقت گذرانی در انجمن عضو نشوند.
آفتاب: حشمت الله فلاحت پیشه عضو فراکسیون اصولگرایان در واکنش به بیانیه نئونازی ها در حمایت از اظهارات احمدی نژاد در تردید نسبت به سوزاندن یهودیان در کوره های آدم سوزی گفت: حمایت نئونازی ها از صحبت های احمدی نژاد در شان جمهوری اسلامی نیست و دولت باید نسبت به آن موضع بگیرد.
عضو کمیسیون امنیت ملی و سیاست خارجی مجلس هفتم در گفت و گو با خبرنگار پارلمانی آفتاب در خصوص اظهارات احمدی نژاد در حاشیه اجلاس ریاض تصریح کرد: در صحبت های آقای احمدی نژاد موضوع برگزاری رفراندوم در سرزمین اشغالی موضع دولت و کشور ماست اما بقیه صحبت های ایشان نظر شخصی است که موضع ایران محسوب نمی شود.
وی در عین حال گفت: معتقدیم کشورهای اروپایی باید اجازه بحث و تحقیق در این زمینه را به منظور کشف حقیقت بدهند.
فلاحت پیشه عنوان کرد: موضع احمدی نژاد موضع رسمی کشور نبود اما بازتاب این صحبت ها به این دلیل است که یک فضای جنگ روانی علیه ایران وجود دارد چندان خوب نبود.
عضو کمیسیون امنیت ملی و سیاست خارجی تصریح کرد: مسئولان کشور باید بدانند واقعیات زیادی در دنیا وجود دارد که ما معتقد به آن هستیم اما نباید به گونه ای عمل کنیم که بهانه به دست کشورها بر علیه ایران بدهیم.
این عضو فراکسیون اصولگرایان سپس در باره حمایت نئونازی های آلمان از صحبت های احمدی نژاد گفت: حمایت نئونازی ها از صحبت های احمدی نژاد در شان جمهوری اسلامی ایران نیست و دولت باید صریحا موضع بگیرد و اعلام کند که سیاست نئونازی ها غیر قابل دفاع و بسیار محکوم است که ما همواره آن را محکوم کرده ایم.
چندی پیش در یادداشتی برایتان افشا نمودم که چگونه جمهوری اسلامی توسط عوامل اطلاعاتی خویش در سفارت ایران در آلمان و ترکیه طی دیدارهای محرمانه ای با نئونازی های آلمان ضمن اهدای کمک یک میلیون یوروی به آنها و وعده حمایتهای ادامه دار از آنها به توافق رسیدند تا آنها از سیاستهای جمهوری اسلامی و خاصه سیاستهای احمدی نژاد درباره هولوکاست حمایت کنند و آنها هم با حمایتهای مالی شرایط راهگشایی آنها را به پارلمان فراهم کنند .اکنون این فیلم را ببینید که مربوط به دیدار احمدی نژاد با اعضای تیم ملی فوتبال ایران و همچنین اعضای فدراسیون فوتبال ایران قبل از سفر به آلمان و شرکت در بازی های جام جهانی است . کاری به افاضات حکیمانه و مزه پراکنی های آقای احمدی نژاد در این فیلم ندارم به آن قسمتی توجه کنید که ایشان می گوید بسیاری از آلمانی ها با هجوم به سفارت ایران در آلمان خواستار پرچم ایران شده اند تا از ایران حمایت کنند ! البته آلمانی های مورد اشاره احمدی نژاد که پول تو جیبی شان را هم در آنتالیا از عوامل اطلاعاتی ایران گرفته اند و خواهان پرچم جمهوری اسلامی هستند تا بنفع تیم فوتبال ایران شعار بدهند، همینها هستند که عکسشان را هم با پرچم اهدائی سفارت جمهوری اسلامی می بینید ! عکس فوق را خبرنگار اشپیگل از تجمع چند صد نفری اعضا و هواداران نئو نازی های آلمان تهیه کرده است . اشپیگل از تعریف و تمجید و حمایتهای نژاد پرست های آلمانی از محمود احمدی نژاد و از جمهوری اسلامی، می نویسد و اینکه آنها معتقدند احمدی نژاد فردی است طرفدار هیتلر، ضد یهودی و ضد کمونیست ! .این داستان ادامه دارد و در روزهای آتی گوشه های دیگری از حمایتها و توافقات ایران و نئو نازی ها را برایتان خواهم آورد فراخوان حزب نئونازی های ایران دیروز وسط صحبتی که با چند تا از دوستان داشتم، یک دفعه ذکر خیر (!) هیتلر شد. یکی از بچه ها گفت: راستی خبر داری سایت «نئونازی های ایران» راه افتاده؟ از تعجب نزدیک بود شاخ در بیاورم. آدرس سایت را گفت و همان موقع رفتم و دیدم که بله!سایت فعال است. آن هم با چه گرافیک شیک و جذابی؛ و جالب تر از همه اینکه، «فیلتر» نبود. حمایت از نئونازی ها در شان ملت ایران نیست پرچم اهدايي ايران به نئو نازي ها 2006/07/02
Member | | Join Date: Nov 2006 Posts: 386 ![]() |

این اطلاعات از طریق ای میل، پیرامون سایت "نئونازی های ایران" در اختیار پیک نت قرار گرفته است. ضمنا سایت نئونازی ها اندک زمانی پس از انتشار خبر آن روی پیک نت به بهانه بازسازی و برخی تغییر تعطیل شد. همانگونه پیک نت در جریان تفسیر کوتاه این خبر در آخرین شماره خود پیش بینی کرده بود، سایت نئونازی های ایران در جمهوری اسلامی راه اندازی شده و شبکه مخابرات ایران آن را حمایت می کرد. و این در شرایطی است که دولت نهم گلوی تقریبا کلیه سایت های مفید و خبری را گرفته است. اطلاعاتی که به پیک رسیده چنین است:
سایت نئونازی های ایران توسط شخصی به* اسم - مهران چیتساز - به* آدرس (استان گلستان، گرگان، خیابان ولیعصر، میدان عدالت 26، خیابان چهارم مرداد، پلاک* 38) در ایران و شماره* تلفن (98 93 5369 7671) ثبت شده* است. خدمات سرور این سایت نیز از سوی شرکت پویا سازان فناوری اطلاعات در استان اصفهان>*)، ارائه*
سایت نئونازی های ایران توسط شخصی به* اسم - مهران چیتساز - به* آدرس (استان گلستان، گرگان، خیابان ولیعصر، میدان عدالت 26، خیابان چهارم مرداد، پلاک* 38) در ایران و شماره* تلفن (98 93 5369 7671) ثبت شده* است. خدمات سرور این سایت نیز از سوی شرکت پویا سازان فناوری اطلاعات در استان اصفهان>*)، ارائه*
Monday, November 28, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Azeri Aryan National Socialist

Hi everyone,
Reporters from Iran- Germany match announced on October 9th, 2004 that during the play of German National Anthem 100,000 Persians rose and performed a Nazi salute. They were holding Iran and Germany's flags. A National Socialist in Iran has reported that all German players were shocked when they saw this scene. It was like they were in the middle of nazi Army. These are some pictures of the day of Iran- Germany Match in Tehran, Iran. Iran lost the match 2- 0 despite dominating the whole match. Lehman the new goalie of Germany stopped Persians from scoring any goals. Millions of people greeted German team when entering and exiting Persia
Reporters from Iran- Germany match announced on October 9th, 2004 that during the play of German National Anthem 100,000 Persians rose and performed a Nazi salute. They were holding Iran and Germany's flags. A National Socialist in Iran has reported that all German players were shocked when they saw this scene. It was like they were in the middle of nazi Army. These are some pictures of the day of Iran- Germany Match in Tehran, Iran. Iran lost the match 2- 0 despite dominating the whole match. Lehman the new goalie of Germany stopped Persians from scoring any goals. Millions of people greeted German team when entering and exiting Persia
Hi there,
This incident is reported by Radio France, ZDF of Germany and many other. But there is a link that is never censored and can give you a good reference. Why do they censor? Obviously the mullahs never support anything than their stupid Islam. This gesture in Azadi Stadium was a punch in the face of Ayatollahs and Islam . The pictures tell the truth.
North African Star,
Thanks for your support of Aryan Nation, Iran. For your information though, the younger Generation and the youth have far distanced themselves from Anti Aryan religion of Islam. Iranians might be one of only nations to fight in two fronts. One front fighting Zionists and their plans to destroy Aryan Iran and the 2nd front fighting Islamic Dictators who's had no danger to Israel rather than empty talks.
Islam is not a religion to be defended especially in front of 40 million Iranian youth who've been tortured by it everyday of their lives. See, We do not support any of Devils. National Socialists in Iran call for the elimination of religion in Iran and encourage people to return to their Zoroastrian roots if , I repeat only if they want to have a religion. Persians have always been foreigner to Islam as they do not comprehend Arabic Islam. How many percentage of Persians speak Arabic? May be half a percent? And fortunately or unfortunately there is a hatred against Arabs in Iran. Therefore, my friend, A national Socialist can fight in both fronts and lead the Anti Zionist Movement as well.
You are wrong. Ayatollahs and Islamic Republic can never reconcile With National Socialism. Because like their Russian brothers and the communists , they are internationalists and would like to spread their virus all over the world. Nation of Islam and blacks are their brothers. What are you talking about? Watch for this scorpion on your back , don't give an easy ride to them as they will sting you right in the middle of your way to imaginary victorious Anti Israeli revolution! Ayatollahs are anti everything and everybody because they have their own plans. Just be careful my friend. Just an advice from an old fighter against Ayatollahs to you.
And how it is a punch to face of Islam in Iran? Because, the same Islamic Government has censored the interest of the Iranian youth towards National Socialism because this government is anti Aryan. They have destroyed our Aryan kings graves and their great civilization. I never support Shah because I do not know him as an Aryan king as he was a servant to Israel. I am talking about 7000 thousand years of Aryan history and not a 25 years of Pahlavi Dynasty. I am talking about Great kings like Cyrus and Dariush.
I am talking about a regime that has always supported Soviet Union's fight against German Army in 2nd world war. The TV of Islamic Republic was a propaganda machine for cheap old Russian movies to show how brave red army was to fight German Army. Why? Because Ayatollahs have always been scared of Persian's Nationalism. They have always suppressed it. Even with these censorship, the youth always kept their interest to Germans rather Than Russians. People have resisted and have abandoned Islamic ceremonies and have kept their Traditional Aryan Ceremonies alive. There is a long talk regarding the cruelty of Ayatollahs and why we should be careful to not to fall in the trap of supporting them because their slogans seems anti Israel. Yes the enemy of your enemy can be your friend for a short period however can not be your comrade and brother.
Keep the sword in your back and once you are done with the Zionists stab it in the back of Islamic Regime in the region as it is almost as dirty as the Israeli Regime.
Down with Islamic Republic and Israel both. Long Live Aryan Republic of Iran.
Thanks for your support of Aryan Nation, Iran. For your information though, the younger Generation and the youth have far distanced themselves from Anti Aryan religion of Islam. Iranians might be one of only nations to fight in two fronts. One front fighting Zionists and their plans to destroy Aryan Iran and the 2nd front fighting Islamic Dictators who's had no danger to Israel rather than empty talks.
Islam is not a religion to be defended especially in front of 40 million Iranian youth who've been tortured by it everyday of their lives. See, We do not support any of Devils. National Socialists in Iran call for the elimination of religion in Iran and encourage people to return to their Zoroastrian roots if , I repeat only if they want to have a religion. Persians have always been foreigner to Islam as they do not comprehend Arabic Islam. How many percentage of Persians speak Arabic? May be half a percent? And fortunately or unfortunately there is a hatred against Arabs in Iran. Therefore, my friend, A national Socialist can fight in both fronts and lead the Anti Zionist Movement as well.
You are wrong. Ayatollahs and Islamic Republic can never reconcile With National Socialism. Because like their Russian brothers and the communists , they are internationalists and would like to spread their virus all over the world. Nation of Islam and blacks are their brothers. What are you talking about? Watch for this scorpion on your back , don't give an easy ride to them as they will sting you right in the middle of your way to imaginary victorious Anti Israeli revolution! Ayatollahs are anti everything and everybody because they have their own plans. Just be careful my friend. Just an advice from an old fighter against Ayatollahs to you.
And how it is a punch to face of Islam in Iran? Because, the same Islamic Government has censored the interest of the Iranian youth towards National Socialism because this government is anti Aryan. They have destroyed our Aryan kings graves and their great civilization. I never support Shah because I do not know him as an Aryan king as he was a servant to Israel. I am talking about 7000 thousand years of Aryan history and not a 25 years of Pahlavi Dynasty. I am talking about Great kings like Cyrus and Dariush.
I am talking about a regime that has always supported Soviet Union's fight against German Army in 2nd world war. The TV of Islamic Republic was a propaganda machine for cheap old Russian movies to show how brave red army was to fight German Army. Why? Because Ayatollahs have always been scared of Persian's Nationalism. They have always suppressed it. Even with these censorship, the youth always kept their interest to Germans rather Than Russians. People have resisted and have abandoned Islamic ceremonies and have kept their Traditional Aryan Ceremonies alive. There is a long talk regarding the cruelty of Ayatollahs and why we should be careful to not to fall in the trap of supporting them because their slogans seems anti Israel. Yes the enemy of your enemy can be your friend for a short period however can not be your comrade and brother.
Keep the sword in your back and once you are done with the Zionists stab it in the back of Islamic Regime in the region as it is almost as dirty as the Israeli Regime.
Down with Islamic Republic and Israel both. Long Live Aryan Republic of Iran.
Just thought I could contribute something to the discussion here, I'm usually a lurker on this forum, but seeing as this is in the guest area, and I've done some research in this area....
Maybe you're referring to this site:
They seem to be a bit confused on a few issues, (they believe that the Aryan people ORIGINATED in Iran/Persia which is patently ridiculous) but it does seem to be an honest attempt to re-assert the purest whites in Iran back into power, and to denounce the Arabic Muslims Ayatolla government. Whether they could ever be successful is extremely doubtful, but its a nice idea, and shows that the white spirit lives on, even when its surrounded by enemies both outside (geographically) and inside (the extreme sullying of Iranian blood).
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 151

Location: LA

Comrade mathdoktor99,
Yes there are many Iranian National Socialist Websites on the internet that you can view. For instance, there is Aryan League of Iran :
Official Website of Iranian National Socialist Party:
See my friend, National Socialism has always been part of Iranian Culture. In the world war 2, Iranian king Reza Shah supported Hitler and was sent to exile for that. Right before the WW2, Adolph Hitler (Pishva in Iranian terms..or Furher in German) changed the name of Persia to Iran by his influence on King Reza Pahlavi who was ten times braver than his stupid son Mohammad Reza Shah. ( King Reza was a secular figure who attacked all religious traditions of Iran. at his time women with Hijab could be arrested). Anyways, Persia's name was changed to include all Iranian tribes and it was a reference to Aryan roots of Iran . Iran or Aryana. The land of Aryans
Back to your question, yes recently Iranian National Socialist Party has tried to promote the idea of national Socialism and organize the youth under a united front. It has been really successful as Iranian National Movement has already made a lot of troubles for the mullahs. Iran's first uprising was over Iran's qualification to World cup 98. then 3 years later the students took over Iran for a week. However, this movement is becoming deeper and more underground. The youth on the day of Iran- Germany soccer match showed that Islamic figures has no value for them as they are in love with their true Aryan brothers, Germans. They saluted them and despite their love to their National team, they rose for German flag and respected the players.
Despite what our friend XPAC claimed here, their love towards German Salute has nothing to do with their hatred against the Jews. Iranians hate Mullahs, Islam and Dark Arabs(Phalestine, Algeria,Morocco, Lebanon , Parts of Iraq ,Jordan or Northern Arabs are treated differently and nicely because they are not really Arabs) equal to the Jews. Yes they hate Zionism but the show on October 9th was to show their frustration against the government once again. Iranian National Socialism is very smart. It doesn't want to weaken the movement against Zionism and at the same time, it is fighting the government internally but still keep the sword on Zionist Neck as the main enemy. The reason people want this regime to go is that they feel disrespected and put down in the world.When Iranian old Aryan history has to be always censored because of the love of Ayatollahs toward Islam.
When Iranian beautiful women can not be shown to the world. Miss Canada- the runner up of Miss World ( 2nd of the world) was born in Iran. Miss Norway was born in Iran. Why Miss Iran should not have a representative. These are only simple examples of Iranian's frustration. There is along story to be written but to make the long story short:
Iranian National Socialism has two major enemies, ZIONISM and ISLAMIC REPUBLIC.
I have told everyone here and will always say it, Iran will shock the world soon.
Yes these are all true.
Originally Posted by MuadDib
We are White Nationalists, not White and jews that want to be White Nationalists.
Well said.

This thread is very confusing, a Jew and Iranians claiming to be WN.

Iranian Aryans would not need your permission. You can not fight the truth and what already exists. National Socialism is not a will from your Grand father to you. Iranian whites have the same right to claim to be a WN. Please do not bring our name beside the jews


I suggest you to cleanse your own society of the parasits and do not attack those who have kept Persia pure. We will fight even if uneducated skinheads( with all repect and many apologies to real WN skinheads) like you can not tolerate to see the real Aryans to step in to defend Aryan nations against Zionism. You must be a jew Parasit yourself acting like a WN because a WN is smarter than this.
we have gutts and we will prove the world. Bring on . Come on. Tell me what permits you to attack Persian National Socialism? Who are you anyways? I will end the discussion here as I want a united place here against the enemies.
You Zionist,
Listen to me carefully. Persians are the Aryans . That's what separates us. It doesn't matter how white you are. As long as you are a Zionist, you are hated especially in Aryan Iran? What do you expect ? Aryans loving you so - called White Jewish?> In what planet do you live?
In regards with your color, as a White Iranian with all the features of a white person ( Hazel eyes, brown hair, white skin , 6 1 , ... almost three times whiter than you) , I refuse to consider you a white person. This is our difference, Persians do not like to mix with the dark. Anyways, I really respect our right to perform the Nazi Salute in the Stadium?


Main stream Europeans might've forgotten their mission but we haven't. And you know what our mission is lol regarding you Zionists. Whether Islamic republic or Aryan republic we share a goal and is to bring Zionism down. Whatever takes
A Persian will die knowing that you compare your look to us. Your face structure is very Jewish and that's why a dark Italian from Naples will pass as Aryan you will stay behind the camp. Never forget, you can be as white as your mom's naked butt but you can not be Aryan. That's it. My own opinion and I don't care what other Persian National Socialist think

Fantasies about an Aryan Iran are about as ridiculous as an Aryan Mexico. "Whites" in Iran number approximately the same proportionally as the bastardized remnants of White Mexico that number 10% nationally. Due to the numbers I consider neither Mexican nor Iranian to be white by nationality.
I'm Arab.
I hate Iranian Aryans who aren't Semites.
I feel the need to voice my pride for Semitic peoples, principally Jews and Arabs.
I don't know why you people are so proud of Aryans from Iran, because if you hadn't noticed, Iran is a DIRTY CESSPOOL. I'd rather live in the CLEAN, PREDOMINANTLY ARAB bustling metropolises of Beirut, Kuiwait City, Riyadh, or Dubai (Manhattan of the Middle East)...heck, even Tel Aviv.
Take your backward nation, we have no need for it
Exactly North African Star.
Look at this dirty Arab- Jew bastard lol. He's from a place where all Aryan Persians ,Moroccans and Northern Arabs ( Palestinians, Jordanese and Syrians,...) commonly hate. Yes The only revenue of Saudis, Kuwaitis and Oil Arab countries is driven from Oil. Just think a second. What do you have to be proud of . A desert, mask for your women and 100 Camels? What do you do when your oil finishes? What do you do if the Western world finds a substitute for Oil? Enjoy the last drops of oil as if it ends you will end with it.
And this is a two way emotions. We hate you too and we will make the world free of Jews and dark Arabs. And that would be when we paralyze their sources of money and support. That day will come soon.
Go flirt with your Islam. Read your Koran as Persians are coming to avenge your Islamic Barbaric attacks against civilized world( A Civilized world means : A world without the control of big Jewish - Saudi Cartels) . We will erase you in modern history so the same Aryans that you hate can proudly say that their great ancestors made them free. Go hug your Zionist brother and let us be as you are not welcome not only here but any where on this planet

With all Respect to your views regarding Zionism and Zionists, It is good that you do not prefer to live in Iran or Tehran as you are not welcome there anyways.


The Enemy of our Enemy is not necessarily our friend.
Heil to Irane Azad. Welcome to Storm front
Speak for yourself, the reality is that by any scientific definition of "White" Iran is majority White.Political definitionsmight be different, but those do not interest me. We can argue till the end of time about the numbers, but this is factual.
Many of us Pan Aryan WNs believe that Iran is the ancient home of our race, especically when you make reference to the historical Iran, which was much larger than the present one. Again, this is a subject of much debate.but you only have to look at a group of Iranians and the inhabitants of India or even Egypt and the difference hits you in the face.
Now as in the rest of WN,nothing is simple and division is everywhere. Some Iranian WNs write off all Arabic speaking people as Muds. I believe this is quite improper, as most of the North Arabs are Arabic speaking Crypto-Aryans, basically that is Syrians,Lebanese, some Iraqis, as well as some Maghrebians, basically the unmixed White Berbers.
While Whites exist in the ME south of these places, of course the vast majority are not White.
Also. Iranian WN attitudes towards Azeris vary, some writing them off because of the Turkic language they speak,and suspicions of racial admixture, while others just see them as Turkic speaking Iranians.
Whatever the reality, the fact is that Hitler himself saw Iranians as Aryans, and even though he was a German nationalist first, he did recognize the rightsand interests of a broader Whiterace, though his judgment on the Slavs was tragically wrong.
The point is that any suggestion that European descended WNs such as myself who see Iranians as White are part of some tiny fring is simply not borne out by the facts. But hell, since when has headcounting been important anyway>If thats the case, than none of us should be WNs.
Dear present comrade and future enemy ( as it was obvious in your message) Weiß Stolz :
You have no right whatsoever to ask an Iranian white to call himself non- white only because you have hostility against Persians. For your information, Iran is one of the only remaining countries that you don't see any immigrant Black or Asian in it. I don't know where you are however I suggest you study around you and realize that you are surrendered by non- white people or maybe you are a minority white where you are. Just let's imagine that your statement regarding non - white Iran is right, Then I as a White Iranian Minority ask everyone here to respect me as a white minority anywhere else. This request is not to beg from you. I just want you to understand whether you like or not. I consider myself white and will fight to the last drop of my blood to protect Iranian whites in Persia and fight against Islam.
Statements like yours can not discourage us dear. We have much more pride than what you are thinking. we are not Indians or Arabs that you can easily bash. We are white Iranian Aryans that your father's root maybe coming from. If you close your eyes to this reality, you are fooling yourself. I don't need you to accept me as white because I know I am white.
Thanks for your generosity but keep it for people who need it. In the fight with any common enemy we go with people who are proud of Aryan Iran. we do not need a temporary comrade and a permanent enemy. Either you are our enemy or our friend.
Thanks for your statements regarding Iranian National Socialists anyways.
Fight for your cause and do not expect us to follow you as we only have one person to follow. Aryan Ahura Mazda will take over the world because the Aryans were the best and will be the best.
Javid Iran Marg bar zede Irani
Dorood Golzari,
With all the respect to your opinion however I don't remember Iranians in Iran calling Europeans Sefidha = whites !

In Iran we never call Europeans as whites as we only call them Europeans. In fact, many Iranians believe they are either Italian or Greek.
Weiß Stolz
You can go for hours, days, monthsand years telling us not to fight to protect white Iranians. But we will do it anyways. Don't make yourself tired. Wake up. The flag that Germans have given up, Iranians, once again, have picked up and put it on their shoulders. Whether your Nordic , viking hostility against Persians and real Aryans continues or not.
I just want to let people in this neighborhood know, with all the support we will see from many people here for our causes, but at the same time we see people that want us to paint our faces to brown and black and join the other side to fight White Europeans. But guess what again , we will not fight our comrades because we have historically belonged to the same Aryan camp either under Reich German's WW2 army or WW1.
You make me puke and you annoy me. That's all I want to tell you. WAKE UP THE ZIONISTS ARE OVER YOUR HEAD TO SHOOT YOU IN THE HEAD AND YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT NON WHITE OR WHITE IRANIANS. HAVE OUR COLOUR OF SKIN CHANGED SINCE WW2? that now we belong to other camp???? Anyways, Good luck toi all the Aryans. History will be repeated soon..
I have seen that poll. It is an unfair poll as in the beginning of the page it gives a wrong picture of typical Iranians by showing some villagers ( 30 percent of Iranians live in villages). This guy never showed a typical Iranian in those pictures. It shows what his intensions are. I and many Iranians here laugh to this childish attempt and oppose it srtrongly. We are analyzing the friend and enemies lines and will consider all these bastard like actions a disgrace to our great Nation. These actions are exactly the same as what Bush and Jews do against Persians. A national Socialist can not copy Jews or Bush, two enemies of National Socialism the only path to the freedom of Aryan Race.
I as a guy from Tehran have not seen Donkey in my life. It is very easy to do the same poll about Americans. Show couple of niggers and Pakis and ask for a vote. With one difference, there are no niggers in Iran however Iran is a diverse society. even in those polls it says that 40 percent of Iranians are white ( I don't agree as I know Iranians are Caucasians .. refer to any library and open the damn Encyclopedia..Iranians are in the family of Danish and Croats as Caucasian people). Therefore, we are as white as any Aryan nation and we do not have niggers or Asians.
The end
Hi Mitradena,
The web site that you posted is Pro- Islamic and has no value whatsoever. I had never seen this one and I think it is run by bunch of Bastard Muslim Exterinists. May They be executed soon, Amin.
The youth are not interested in their discussion forums. However these are some forums that might be of your interest. There are tons of them.
Sorry Diablo, I hate to rag on you but you make yourself ridiculous.
Assuming the "Out Of Africa" theory of human evolutionary migration, the statement of being of the same derivation with no regard to the passing of time makes no sense.
It would be the same as expressing racial solidarity with the negro race.
Iran is gone as an Aryan Nation. There is almost nothing left to save, it is not our problem and not fair to the current strain of Iranian to suggest an Aryan re-conquest.
Persians...(Iranians) and Turks are Asiatic. Get over it. That isn't to say that Aryan Iranians aren't welcome here. Just not White, which is more specific...
I am what you would call a "white looking" Iranian; I am neither from the Northern Part of Iran, nor am I a Turkic Azeri. Sorry there was no real truth in what he said. I don't care for Jap Nazis and whether they're white or not either, that was irrelevant.
You guys seem to be getting your knickers in a twist needlessly. I sense some sort of fear/discomfort at the fact that Iranian Nazis did and do exist. Might that be because it could warm European Nazis to us?
Whatever this thread has gone way off topic and turned into another who is/isn't white thread, threads that I am not here to discuss.
You are confusing language with race, and mixing up 3 entitrely different regions of Iran based on superficial linguistic similarities
Yes in NE Iran near the border with Turkmenistan there are some mongreliazed people showing plain and obvgious Mongol ancestry
The North central area of Iran isboth racially and linguistically Persian
The Azeris are Turkic spaeaking Aryans. Some Iranian nationalists or WNs will accept them, some will not Language doesnot always equal race, There are Persian speaking Mongols in Afghanisyan called Hezera
Brother Diablo,
In solidarity with you. Those who know the truth about Iranians and their love to NS movement have got the message and grasped it. I do not need to argue with some of these Villagers over being white or not as I do not care because I am white. Therefore, brother, I will continue my path with our comrades who are aware of the real danger "Zionism out there". Look at these people when the Zionists appear with the shot gun over their head in this f..ed up Jewish Economy, they will all seek help from true fighters the Mazdaki Soldiers.
I have followed your discussions and am completely aware of your great sympathy towards our movement. On behalf of all Iranian nationalists , I salute you brother.
In regards with the poll of few of the ignorant WNs who are completely out of their real path and very soon will join the Bush- Zionist Campaign, These are my opinions.
1- The poll is not right because the pictures shown in the beginning of the page belongs to bunch of Iranian villagers and do not represent a typical Iranian look beyond the soldiers of the regime or people in the villages.
2- The hostility toward Iranians has extended to unreal comparison Yellow Japanese Ns to a white nation like Iran. This will make the dead chicken laugh. We do not care and will leave this funny comparison to the readers of these pages to judge.
3- There is a resistance against Iranian Nationalism due to the fact that an Islamic Regime is in power in Iran. Now, it is our duty to change the system in Iran to gain more support and acceptance. That will soon happen as the majority of Iranians are opposing their government.
4- Our main goal here is to create solidarity and unity. We will stop fighting even with those WNs so hostile against Iranians. We will call for unity at this time for the benefit of the movement as a whole.
Great seeing your messages here and we will win because we are real.
All true White Nationalists should be hostile to the idea of Iran being considered White. The vast majority of Iran is Turanid or Irano-Afghan, neither of which is a native race of Europe. If the term White refers to the West, ie: Europe, and you are not of our blood or from there then you are not one of us. You can pretend to be White all you want, but you cannot transcend what you are. You should not feel compelled to. Don't let incomplete definitions of the term White by fools like diablo trick you in to thinking you are remotely Western/White. Persians have a distinct identity, be proud of that and you will have no need to pretend to be Western.
Your igmorance is astounding. Indo-Europeans are not a "native race" of Europe alone. The vas majority of modern Europeans are wholly or partly of Indo European stock, which has its homeland in Iran. One's race is not deteremined by the continent they live on but by their blood
Europe, including places like Germany, is full of people with Irano-Afghan phenotypes, countless germans have the slightly humped nose characteristic of this group. My dad, whose blood descended from Germany and Alcasa-Lorraine had it, one of my uncles did, one of my brothers.
Other Iranians are classic meds with narrow triangular Grecian noses, like my gf. White Iranians can come in any White subrace, but very strongly Med. Iran isof a very close genetic distance to italy. I will post the chart when I find it,but its been posted loadsof times on SF
SureIranians have a distinct identity,as do subgroups of Iranians, as do Italians, Germans, Irish, Poles etc. It does not prove were are of a different race in and of itself. I am not trying to undermine any White groups distinct identity, but as Whitesthere is far more that unites us than divides us
Germany is full of Irano-Afghans? You ought to try standup comedy man. Those Irano Afghans in Germany and France are Dinarids, a branch of the Borreby subtype. You can post all the genetic charts you want. Antis can post charts telling us we are all 99.9% the same, that doesn't mean it's true. You can post them and post them and post them and still only cover half the problem Diablo, because that's all your selective, narrow-scope excuse of an ideology covers: half the problem.
As for my level of ignorance, I think many people here would agree that it is minimal at best. I take in to account not just genetics, but culture, meta-ethnic relationships, history etc. because they all matter equally. The picture is not complete unless all the pieces are in their proper place and accounted for.
You never answered my question: If the world was 100% of true White/European stock, but it adopted Islam and listened to rap and wrote and spoke Chinese would the people still be real White/European people?
I have a feeling we all know your answer to that.
B]Schweizer Krieger[/b]
You are more than welcome to close your eyes to the reality and claim that Two Aryan nations are 2 different civilizations!!
Your message is clear. Don't worry. In our type of communication with people like you, you are not only considered a brother but a pure enemy in the Bush - Zionist campaign. Perhaps you are not aware of this but you are one. Therefore, do not worry. Don't let your blood to boil for nothing.
Your majesty. You and the Vikings are the only white people on the planet. Hug your colorful NS flag in your small city and salute every morning and wait for the Zionists to attack. I see these funny pictures of those few NS here that are limited to a flag , a salute and a brain full of ****. Those that do not understand how important this era is to all the Aryans. I See those villagers that at the time of the war are confused and do not know where they belong and they just hug their flag and shave their head. Guess what. Even the fags are doing that now. So that is not the only sign of being an NS.
With all the respect to educated and true NS here who are following the real NS of the world, The furher, heil, this new generation of White Supremacist that have started the campaign of denying the Aryan roots of Europe are going to a dead end Road. This is not even at the time that they are at the pick of their strength. They are talking while being at the weakest point of the movement. Furher in 1930's at the pick of his powerful era, not only had accepted the support of Aryan Iranians, he had also encouraged Iranian politicians to change the name of Persia to its real Aryan name= Iran = Aryana the land of Aryans. Now generations after that, these are the bunch of kids that like Don Kishot of Servantes want to attack the enemies by their broken - rusted sword with no war experience. Aryan Persia is a great nation with years of modern war experience and the God of Persia will protect this land against Zionists and Muslim Extremists. The Ayatollahs in Iran shall be hanged as they are the reason of our nation being humiliated to this extent.
However, those that try to deny their past and connection to Aryan Persia are fooling themselves. Those that are bashing the white Iranians are bashing a huge population as the majority of the Iranians are white. A white is a white. And You are talking about Persia like we are millions of kilometers away from Europe. Just a sec, Do you know geography? Iran is South of Russia and East of Turkey. All those so called new European countries like Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia and etc were part of Iran. Not a thousand years ago. Just in this modern era. 100 years ago. The Russian occupied these lands. They signed a 100 year contract with Russian tsar. The contract is expired now and Iranian NS is claiming those lands back and it is the future agenda of this party. Except Armenia that has the right to its full and independent sovereignty, all other countries in that region will be a Persian land soon. The Karabak and Azarna belongs to our Armenian brothers and the rest returns to the fatherland Persia.
Wake up and smell the coffee. The Aryan Ahura Mazda. The father of Aryan nation. The god of all the Aryan lands protects its true Children.
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